how to stop messages from going into Outlook Outbox
(too old to reply)
2007-02-16 14:52:10 UTC
I compose new messages and send immediately. Nonetheless, each such
message, although already successfully sent, still gets filed in the
Outlook Outbox. So, I have to go to Outbox frequently and delete those
messages. How can I stop new ly sent messages for also going into
Outlook Outbox?
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
2007-02-16 21:32:56 UTC
Post by gatordawg
I compose new messages and send immediately. Nonetheless, each such
message, although already successfully sent, still gets filed in the
Outlook Outbox. So, I have to go to Outbox frequently and delete those
messages. How can I stop new ly sent messages for also going into
Outlook Outbox?
Outlook and Outlook Express are very different programs. You'll get more
knowledgeable help for Outlook in an Outlook newsgroup:

On the Web:
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
Answer in newsgroup. Don't expect an answer to email.
Michael Santovec
2007-02-17 02:08:10 UTC
By "Outlook" do you mean Outlook Express (OE) which is part of Internet
Explorer or Outlook97/98/2000+ which is part of Office? And which
version? (If you don't know, in your mail program select Help, About.)

Assuming that you mean Outlook Express, all messages to be sent go to
the Outbox first. They remain there until successfully being sent.
Then the are moved to the Sent Items folder if you have selected that
option in Tools, Options, Send.

If they are successfully sending, then either the Outbox or Sent Items
folder is likely corrupted.

- Close Outlook Express.
- OE5+: Locate the file outbox.dbx in the mail directory and delete it.
You can use Start, Find (or Search), Files or Folders, outbox.dbx to
find it. On Win2000 you need enable the display of Hidden or System
files in the folder options and XP you need to use the advanced options
to find Hidden or System files. (You can also determine the location by
looking in OE at Tools, Options, Maintenance, Store Folder.)
- Open Outlook Express again. It will create a new empty Outbox.

If you still have problems, then it's likely the Sent Items folder.
- Close Outlook Express
- Rename the file Sent Items.dbx to Sentold.dbx You can use Start, Find
(or Search), Files or Folders, "Sent Items.dbx" to find it. On Win2000
you need enable the display of Hidden or System files in the folder
options and XP you need to use the advanced options to find Hidden or
System files. (You can also determine the location by looking in OE at
Tools, Options, Maintenance, Store Folder.)
- Open Outlook Express again.
- It will create a new empty Sent Items.
- The following program may be able to recover some of the messages from
the Sentold.dbx file.
DBXtract - http://www.oehelp.com/DBXtract/Default.aspx
With a very large DBX file, this can take hours or days.
- You can then open OE and select the Sent Items and drag the recovered
EML files back into it.
Mike - http://pages.prodigy.net/michael_santovec/techhelp.htm
Post by gatordawg
I compose new messages and send immediately. Nonetheless, each such
message, although already successfully sent, still gets filed in the
Outlook Outbox. So, I have to go to Outbox frequently and delete those
messages. How can I stop new ly sent messages for also going into
Outlook Outbox?