Too Stupid to Help myself - Importing messages
(too old to reply)
El Penguini
2005-10-15 13:35:23 UTC
My old PC died, but I have a copy of my old hard drive, including my (I
assume) OE 5 inbox.

i would like to import my old messages, and I can see the inbox.dbx file,
but I can't figure out how to get OE 6 on my new computer to import the
file. I tried to point to the file and open it, but i can't do that either.

thanks for your help!
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
2005-10-15 14:50:20 UTC
Post by El Penguini
My old PC died, but I have a copy of my old hard drive, including my
(I assume) OE 5 inbox.
i would like to import my old messages, and I can see the inbox.dbx
file, but I can't figure out how to get OE 6 on my new computer to
import the file. I tried to point to the file and open it, but i
can't do that either.
thanks for your help!
Do you have a copy of Folders.dbx in the same Windows folder?
If so make sure that none of the DBX files are Read Only and then use OE's
File | Import.
If not see
and the last paragraph here:
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC
El Penguini
2005-10-17 00:31:06 UTC
Frank -

Although I'm "Too Stupid to Help Myself,", you certainly are not!

I followed your first link and it worked great.

Thanks so much for your quick and accurate response.

Post by Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
Post by El Penguini
My old PC died, but I have a copy of my old hard drive, including my
(I assume) OE 5 inbox.
i would like to import my old messages, and I can see the inbox.dbx
file, but I can't figure out how to get OE 6 on my new computer to
import the file. I tried to point to the file and open it, but i
can't do that either.
thanks for your help!
Do you have a copy of Folders.dbx in the same Windows folder?
If so make sure that none of the DBX files are Read Only and then use OE's
File | Import.
If not see
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
2005-10-17 01:17:51 UTC
Post by El Penguini
Frank -
Although I'm "Too Stupid to Help Myself,", you certainly are not!
I followed your first link and it worked great.
Thanks so much for your quick and accurate response.
Thanks for the feedback.
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
Protect your PC
Raymond Daley
2006-12-15 22:21:27 UTC
Post by El Penguini
My old PC died, but I have a copy of my old hard drive, including my (I
assume) OE 5 inbox.
i would like to import my old messages, and I can see the inbox.dbx file,
but I can't figure out how to get OE 6 on my new computer to import the
file. I tried to point to the file and open it, but i can't do that either.
thanks for your help!
piece of wee wee fella.
mail account settings


Thankyou, come again!
Kath Adams
2006-12-15 22:27:52 UTC
Post by Raymond Daley
Post by El Penguini
My old PC died, but I have a copy of my old hard drive, including my
(I assume) OE 5 inbox.
i would like to import my old messages, and I can see the inbox.dbx
file, but I can't figure out how to get OE 6 on my new computer to
import the file. I tried to point to the file and open it, but i
can't do that either.
thanks for your help!
piece of wee wee fella.
mail account settings
Thankyou, come again!
Gee, you're on a roll now....and with bad advice too. The OP didn't ask
about his mail settings, he asked about his old inbox.
Kath Adams
MS MVP - Windows (Outlook Express)