Problem accessing Inbox in Outlook Express
(too old to reply)
2005-11-11 03:33:03 UTC
When I try to access my inbox within Outlook Express, I could not read any
emails in it. The inbox.dbx file is approximately 399MB in size and
obviously, there are a lot of emails in this file but somehow I still cannot
access it from within Outlook Express. I still have access to emails in the
other folders e.g. Send, etc but not the Inbox. Need your advice on this.
Jim Pickering
2005-11-11 05:02:01 UTC
The first thing you need to do is to find Inbox.dbx on your system (if using
Win2K/XP the DBX files are hidden by the operating system) and make a copy
of it in a folder you create on your Desktop. This will enable you to use
an extracting utility if need be since it sounds like it's corrupted. You
can expect corruption in a folder if its size grows to more than 100 MB so
yours certainly qualifies.

If Outlook Express will open, try clicking File/Work Offline and follow that
with File/Folders/Compact All Folders and let it run to completion (which
may take quite some time). If you get an error message, try it again and
see if it succeeds. If it fails, you can find an inexpensive utility called
DBXtract at www.oehelp.com which can extract the files in the copy of the
damaged Inbox.dbx as eml files.

Please post back with your results.
Jim Pickering, MVP, Outlook Express
Please deliver feedback to the newsgroup, so that others can be helped.
Post by twister
When I try to access my inbox within Outlook Express, I could not read any
emails in it. The inbox.dbx file is approximately 399MB in size and
obviously, there are a lot of emails in this file but somehow I still cannot
access it from within Outlook Express. I still have access to emails in the
other folders e.g. Send, etc but not the Inbox. Need your advice on this.
2005-11-11 20:37:33 UTC
Post by twister
When I try to access my inbox within Outlook Express, I could not read any
emails in it. The inbox.dbx file is approximately 399MB in size and
obviously, there are a lot of emails in this file but somehow I still cannot
access it from within Outlook Express. I still have access to emails in the
other folders e.g. Send, etc but not the Inbox. Need your advice on this.
Have you have OE crash recently? If it has it might have corrupted
folders.dbx and this would have made it generate a new inbox file - usually
inbox (1).dbx, and that will be what it's accessing.

If there's a small inbox (1).dbx in the message store, delete in and rename
inbox.dbx to inbox (1).dbx. That'll fix it.

Raymond Daley
2006-12-15 22:29:28 UTC
Post by twister
When I try to access my inbox within Outlook Express, I could not read any
emails in it. The inbox.dbx file is approximately 399MB in size and
obviously, there are a lot of emails in this file but somehow I still cannot
access it from within Outlook Express. I still have access to emails in the
other folders e.g. Send, etc but not the Inbox. Need your advice on this.
sounds like your inbox is corrupted.
either re-install OE or try and compact some space in your inbox
(tools, options, maintenance,click clean up now, click compact)
the 2nd one should work
Kath Adams
2006-12-15 22:39:15 UTC
Post by Raymond Daley
Post by twister
When I try to access my inbox within Outlook Express, I could not
read any emails in it. The inbox.dbx file is approximately 399MB in
size and obviously, there are a lot of emails in this file but
somehow I still cannot access it from within Outlook Express. I
still have access to emails in the other folders e.g. Send, etc but
not the Inbox. Need your advice on this. Thanks.
sounds like your inbox is corrupted.
either re-install OE
ALWAYS a last resort.

or try and compact some space in your inbox
Post by Raymond Daley
(tools, options, maintenance,click clean up now, click compact)
the 2nd one should work
That won't compact anything in the Inbox, only in newsgroups.

Geez...where did this fella come from? Replying to old posts?
Kath Adams
MS MVP - Windows (Outlook Express)
2007-01-07 10:12:00 UTC

You say that reinstalling is a last resort, what would be a fix for this
type of problem. I have ran into someone who has the same problem and top it
off, he has three inboxes with the same amount of mail in each one. Nothing
shows in the right pane and I tried turning on the preview pane and nothing
shows in there. This poor guy has about 3000 mail messages as it keeps
receiving but he can not see the messages and the delete function will not
work either. I have this person checking their mail using webmail until I can
help them.


Post by Kath Adams
Post by Raymond Daley
Post by twister
When I try to access my inbox within Outlook Express, I could not
read any emails in it. The inbox.dbx file is approximately 399MB in
size and obviously, there are a lot of emails in this file but
somehow I still cannot access it from within Outlook Express. I
still have access to emails in the other folders e.g. Send, etc but
not the Inbox. Need your advice on this. Thanks.
sounds like your inbox is corrupted.
either re-install OE
ALWAYS a last resort.
or try and compact some space in your inbox
Post by Raymond Daley
(tools, options, maintenance,click clean up now, click compact)
the 2nd one should work
That won't compact anything in the Inbox, only in newsgroups.
Geez...where did this fella come from? Replying to old posts?
Kath Adams
MS MVP - Windows (Outlook Express)
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
2007-01-07 11:30:57 UTC
Post by June
You say that reinstalling is a last resort, what would be a fix for this
type of problem. I have ran into someone who has the same problem and top it
off, he has three inboxes with the same amount of mail in each one. Nothing
shows in the right pane and I tried turning on the preview pane and nothing
shows in there. This poor guy has about 3000 mail messages as it keeps
receiving but he can not see the messages and the delete function will not
work either. I have this person checking their mail using webmail until I can
help them.
View | Current View
Make sure Show all Messages is selected and nothing else.
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
Answer in newsgroup. Don't send mail.
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
2007-01-07 23:43:29 UTC
Did that and nothing shows. I think he also has a virus.
Don't store messages in the Inbox. It is the folder most apt to be
corrupted. As soon as you read them move them to user created folders.
Then compact the Inbox regularly.

Go to Tools | Options | Maintenance | Store Folder and write down where OE
is storing its data.
Close OE.
Go there with Windows Explorer and move (not copy) Inbox.dbx to an empty
folder. With Win2K, WinXP and Win2K3 it will be a hidden file.

You can use either of these tools to extract the messages from the old DBX

DBXtract ($5): http://www.oehelp.com/DBXtract/ although this tool is faster
and better:
DBXpress: ($25) http://www.oehelp.com/DBXpress/Default.aspx
Do NOT extract to the desktop!
With a large file this can take a long time, so let it keep running.

The messages can be dragged from a Windows folder back into an OE folder in
OE's Folder List.
Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM
Answer in newsgroup. Don't send mail.
Kath Adams
2007-01-08 09:37:48 UTC
Post by June
You say that reinstalling is a last resort, what would be a fix for
this type of problem. I have ran into someone who has the same
problem and top it off, he has three inboxes with the same amount of
mail in each one. Nothing shows in the right pane and I tried turning
on the preview pane and nothing shows in there. This poor guy has
about 3000 mail messages as it keeps receiving but he can not see the
messages and the delete function will not work either. I have this
person checking their mail using webmail until I can help them.

Always difficult to advise via a 3rd party.

You say he has 3 inboxes? There should only be one Inbox under Local
Folders. Unless he has Hotmail accounts. Does he receive his Hotmail via OE?

I suggest that he goes offline and compacts all his folders. DO NOT touch
anything until it has finished.

If he can then see his messages, he needs to create more folders for his own
use, under Local Folders, and move his mail to them. (One for Friends, one
for Family, one for Joe Bloggs etc.)

If the Inbox is corrupt, because of the amount of mail in there, then you
will have to use Frank's suggestion.
Kath Adams
MS MVP - Windows (Outlook Express)