outlook express address book problems
(too old to reply)
2007-04-10 19:45:57 UTC
When I export my address book in to WAB file to import in to another
computer I get every address I have ever had in Outlook, even the ones
that have been deleted. It is a pain to go through the whole address
book and clean it up. How can I stop this from happening?
I friend gave me his old computer and I used it for a while and when I
exported the address I got all his old address too that had been
deleted. So not I have double trouble! My deleted ones and his showing
I know this sounds strange but it is happening. I delete the addressed
the usual way click the name and click delete. Should I be holding
down the control key or some thing?


Michael Santovec
2007-04-11 02:43:09 UTC
Try exports to CSV (Comma Separate Values) Text file.

Also see:
The Windows Address Book (WAB)
Mike - http://pages.prodigy.net/michael_santovec/techhelp.htm
Post by sealevel
When I export my address book in to WAB file to import in to another
computer I get every address I have ever had in Outlook, even the ones
that have been deleted. It is a pain to go through the whole address
book and clean it up. How can I stop this from happening?
I friend gave me his old computer and I used it for a while and when I
exported the address I got all his old address too that had been
deleted. So not I have double trouble! My deleted ones and his showing
I know this sounds strange but it is happening. I delete the addressed
the usual way click the name and click delete. Should I be holding
down the control key or some thing?