Insert picture problem
(too old to reply)
David Isaacs
2007-01-01 23:24:42 UTC
What used to be easy now locks up OE.
Cant "insert" a picture into an e-mail. The picture opens but the browse box
becomes frozen. The only way out is Ctrl...Alt...Delete.
Is there a fix for this using OE 6.
With thanks,
Dave Isaacs.
PA Bear
2007-01-01 23:48:12 UTC
X-post to OE General

You posted to an OE5-specific newsgroup, David. You can post future
questions to this OE General-specific newsgroup:

Is Picasa installed? How about IE7?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
Post by David Isaacs
What used to be easy now locks up OE.
Cant "insert" a picture into an e-mail. The picture opens but the browse box
becomes frozen. The only way out is Ctrl...Alt...Delete.
Is there a fix for this using OE 6.
With thanks,
Dave Isaacs.
David Isaacs
2007-01-02 00:17:48 UTC
Yea, both Picassa and PE7.
Post by PA Bear
X-post to OE General
You posted to an OE5-specific newsgroup, David. You can post future
Is Picasa installed? How about IE7?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
Post by David Isaacs
What used to be easy now locks up OE.
Cant "insert" a picture into an e-mail. The picture opens but the browse box
becomes frozen. The only way out is Ctrl...Alt...Delete.
Is there a fix for this using OE 6.
With thanks,
Dave Isaacs.
PA Bear
2007-01-02 00:44:02 UTC
Is this a sudden, new problem, David? If so, did the problem start after
installing IE7?

If you uninstall Picasa (or select a different picture viewer as your
default), does the behavior persist?

Do you see the same behavior when inserting the picture via Insert >
Picture... and via the Insert Picture button in the HTML toolbar?
OE-specific newsgroup:

~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
Post by David Isaacs
Yea, both Picassa and PE7.
Post by PA Bear
X-post to OE General
You posted to an OE5-specific newsgroup, David. You can post future
Is Picasa installed? How about IE7?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
Post by David Isaacs
What used to be easy now locks up OE.
Cant "insert" a picture into an e-mail. The picture opens but the browse box
becomes frozen. The only way out is Ctrl...Alt...Delete.
Is there a fix for this using OE 6.
With thanks,
Dave Isaacs.
David Isaacs
2007-01-02 01:07:08 UTC
It has been a problem for some time now, however I can not be sure that it
coincided with IE7. I think not.

Picassa is not my default picture viewer. Pant Shop Pro has been for years.

Yes I have tried both, and get the same bad result.

With thanks,
Post by PA Bear
Is this a sudden, new problem, David? If so, did the problem start after
installing IE7?
If you uninstall Picasa (or select a different picture viewer as your
default), does the behavior persist?
Do you see the same behavior when inserting the picture via Insert >
Picture... and via the Insert Picture button in the HTML toolbar?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
Post by David Isaacs
Yea, both Picassa and PE7.
Post by PA Bear
X-post to OE General
You posted to an OE5-specific newsgroup, David. You can post future
Is Picasa installed? How about IE7?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
Post by David Isaacs
What used to be easy now locks up OE.
Cant "insert" a picture into an e-mail. The picture opens but the
becomes frozen. The only way out is Ctrl...Alt...Delete.
Is there a fix for this using OE 6.
With thanks,
Dave Isaacs.
PA Bear
2007-01-02 02:19:12 UTC
David, determining the cause of the problem necessitates using the process
of elimination.

1. Does the behavior persist in a new identity? Your current Identity may
be damaged, especially if its the default Main Identity. Try inserting a
picture using one or more of your accounts in a new Named Identity (File >
Identities > Add new identity). Assuming the behavior does NOT persist, (1)
compact all folders in the old identity, (2) import messages from the old
identity into the new one, and then (3) delete the old one (File >
Identities > Manage Identities).

To avoid such corruption in future:

- Don't use Inbox or Sent Items to archive messages. Move them to local
folders created for this purpose.

- Empty Deleted Items folder daily.

- Disable Background Compacting [not available in SP2] and frequently
perform a manual compact of all OE folders while "working offline". More at

- WinXP SP2 only: Do not shut down your machine while Windows is
automatically compacting your message store.

- Your anti-virus application's email scanning feature can also cause such
corruption. Disable it. It provides no additional protection.

2. If no joy above, does uninstalling IE7 resolve the problem?

Uninstalling IE7

How to uninstall Internet Explorer 7:
~PA Bear
Post by David Isaacs
It has been a problem for some time now, however I can not be sure that it
coincided with IE7. I think not.
Picassa is not my default picture viewer. Pant Shop Pro has been for years.
Yes I have tried both, and get the same bad result.
Post by PA Bear
Is this a sudden, new problem, David? If so, did the problem start after
installing IE7?
If you uninstall Picasa (or select a different picture viewer as your
default), does the behavior persist?
Do you see the same behavior when inserting the picture via Insert >
Picture... and via the Insert Picture button in the HTML toolbar?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
Post by David Isaacs
Yea, both Picassa and PE7.
Post by PA Bear
X-post to OE General
You posted to an OE5-specific newsgroup, David. You can post future
Is Picasa installed? How about IE7?
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE, OE, Security, Shell/User)
Post by David Isaacs
What used to be easy now locks up OE.
Cant "insert" a picture into an e-mail. The picture opens but the
becomes frozen. The only way out is Ctrl...Alt...Delete.
Is there a fix for this using OE 6.
With thanks,
Dave Isaacs.
2007-01-02 22:45:04 UTC
Are you using a graphic file that is saved in a folder on your hard drive?
Or are you attempting to copy/paste a graphic image into a mail message?

Have you tried creating a new identity, switch to the new identity, create a
mail account in it and test it for satisfactory operation? Your existing
identity may have some registry corruption.
Jim Pickering, MVP/Windows Mail applications
Please reply ONLY to newsgroup.
Post by David Isaacs
What used to be easy now locks up OE.
Cant "insert" a picture into an e-mail. The picture opens but the browse
box becomes frozen. The only way out is Ctrl...Alt...Delete.
Is there a fix for this using OE 6.
With thanks,
Dave Isaacs.